Science — Antioxidants

Beauty is more than skin deep...
A saying you’ve no doubt heard over and over again, and there is so much truth to it. Whilst this saying was referring to one’s personality and other internal attributes, it holds true of what we put into our body and not just onto it.

Why do we age, and how could we do it better?
Getting older is a fact of life, though there aren’t so many facts about why it happens. Even without a full understanding of what causes aging, there are some strategies that can be implemented to delay many factors associated with aging.
The synergistic nutrients you’ll need to create and recycle glutathione
Nutrients are well known for their individual benefits on the body, but they do not work alone. They interact with each other creating a greater effect than they would individually. For the production of glutathione, it is important to consume enough of these building blocks, and also doing so simultaneously.

Oxidative stress as a driver of infertility
How could an insufficiency of two basic nutrients be harming your reproductive system? How could chronic oxidative stress be hindering your reproductive efforts?

What can glutathione do for your mitochondria?
They are our energy factories, the ‘powerhouses of the cell’. They work tirelessly to produce our energy currency (ATP), but sometimes they can become exhausted and fail. Take a look into the importance of the mitochondria, and what you can do to help them help you.

Understanding glutathione: are supplements the answer?
Glutathione, one of the most important peptides in the body, is responsible for numerous physiological effects; it is known as the body’s most powerful antioxidant, as well as having a role in detoxification and even gene expression. Read more to find out if supplements are the answer to increase glutathione levels inside your cells.
Beyond macronutrients: discovering the health potential of whey protein
What if whey protein could not only help you gain muscle and get stronger, but also protect your cells, enhance detoxification and improve gut and immune function? Here’s what you need to know about undenatured native whey, other popular processing methods and the effects of processing on its nutritional benefits.