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REGENATIVE is now Informed-Sport certified

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REGENATIVE is now Informed-Sport certified


Our products are batch-tested for banned substances and quality, giving peace of mind to all consumers.

REGENATIVE is now certified with Informed-Sport, a quality-assurance program developed by one of the world’s leading sports doping-control laboratories, LGC. The Informed-Sport testing process is a voluntary program for supplement manufacturers and suppliers who elect to have their products tested for banned substances. 

Products certified by Informed-Sport have been batch-tested for banned substances and quality level, giving athletes an effective method of determining what supplements or raw materials are safe for them to use during training or competition. 

This is an essential program for professional and amateur athletes alike, as well as for everyday users, because it gives an in-depth insight into the high quality manufacturing process. It’s common sense to want to know precisely what we are consuming and how it will affect our overall health, and an Informed-Sport certification provides consumers with a quality-baseline of what to expect from their supplements. 

While you may think you can tell what makes up your supplement by reading the ingredients list, it is not always so easy to know exactly what you are ingesting along with those ingredients. Supplements can contain contaminants from naturally occurring banned substances, such as those that occur in botanicals, which even highly reputable manufacturers would not know about if they were not specifically testing for those substances. 

For example, the banned substance DMAAs have been found in certain brands of supplements that claim it is a naturally occurring substance derived from the geranium plant, and therefore the listed ingredient may be geranium — however, there is little evidence that supports this, and athletes taking these supplements could be suspended. Other substances like Oxilofrine, an un-approved ephedrine-like stimulant, and the amphetamine-lies stimulant DMBA are have been found in supplements, often concealed by complicated or vague ingredient labels.  

Athletes taking supplements containing these banned substances could be completely unaware of their risk, not only for suspension if they test positive, but also the health risk one assumes by consuming these substances. (1)

Because of this, the Informed-Sport certification and logo was developed in 2008 for manufacturers and suppliers to regularly test their supplements and display the logo on the product to notify buyers to its quality-assurance. As each commercial batch of the product is tested before it is released to the public, the producer’s commitment to quality is ongoing and can be continually substantiated.

REGENATIVE is now Informed-Sport certified in both its chocolate and unflavoured formulas. The Informed-Sport programme provides assurance that products have been tested for a wide range of substances prohibited in sport. For further information about the testing process, please visit informed-sport.com.


(1) Travis, John. Recent Studies Reveal Potentially Harmful Ingredients — Demonstrating Need for GMPs, Ingredient Testing and Product Certification. Ann Arbor: NSF INTERNATIONAL, p. 2-4. 

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